Kappa Iota Theta will present its second annual Stomp Fest Friday, Nov. 11 at 9 p.m.

Two years ago, Elizabeth Hayes, a social work major from Nashville, shared her interest in creating an annual step show on campus. Inspired by the movie “Stomp the Yard,” Hayes had a new vision of bringing students together through dance and step. In November 2010, Kappa Iota Theta held its first stepping competition between social clubs on campus.

“You have talent shows where everybody sings,” said Hayes. “You have Singarama where everybody dances and sings at the same time, but you don’t have anything where they really step.”

Now a senior and the president of Kappa Iota Theta, the multicultural association, Hayes feels optimistic that the step show will continue to be an annual tradition that brings students together.

“I was shocked and thrilled at last year’s turnout of the first competition,” said Assistant Dean of Student Intercultural Development Tenielle Buchanan. “I am expecting the teams to be bigger and better than last year.”

“I’m really happy that Stomp Fest is back again,” said Hayes. “I think it’s going be great. I feel that it is something everyone can enjoy.”

One thing students can expect to see different in this year’s competition is the level of creativity. Each group creates a five to seven minute storyline based on a chosen theme, which they will be judged on. The categories include creativity, uniformity, execution, crowd enthusiasm, showmanship and vocal clarity.

“I expect the teams to either go hard or go home,” said Buchanan. “The expectations are high.”

When asked why students should attend Stomp Fest,  she answered, “Why should they not come?”

Stomp Fest begins at 9 p.m. and will be held in Alumni Auditorium.

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