Students could win a Nintendo DS Lite or cash prizes if they complete the semester course evaluations before Friday, Dec. 8.
Susan Galbreath, associate provost, said the student surveys are used each year when faculty evaluations occur. She said professors, deans and other officials look at the evaluations. She emphasized that student opinion makes a difference for future classes.
“They do matter,” she said of the evaluations. “(Students’) time and their comments are really being used well.”
Galbreath said the evaluations are not just beneficial for students but are helpful to faculty as well.
“We want to have the best classes for the students that we can have,” Galbreath said. “We think we do a good job of that, but any time we can improve a course, the students are a great source of information. It’s all about continuous improvement for us.
“The professors really do want to know what they need to consider changing in a class to make it better,” she continued. “It really is very beneficial information for the faculty members to have from the students.”
Galbreath said the evaluations offer students the opportunity to encourage their professors by mentioning the things they like about courses and to offer constructive criticism about areas needing improvement.
“We encourage everyone to participate,” Galbreath said. “It’s a great way to let your opinion be known.”
In spring 2010, Lipscomb began offering course evaluations online instead of giving handwritten surveys during class. Since the new format requires students to sacrifice personal time, Galbreath said the university wanted to provide some incentive.
“We wanted to be gracious and say ‘if you’ll take time to do this, we’ll offer some awards to say thank you,’” Galbreath said.
Each semester, students who fill out all of their course evaluations are entered into a drawing for a grand prize and smaller cash prizes.
Spring 2011 winners included:
2 – Nintendo DS Lites:
Jovanna Palmer
Chris Hensley
42 – $25 VISA gift cards:
Derek Thornton
Shannon Hall
Reba Francisco
Timothy Berges
Olivia Wimberly
Aunshka Collins
Shannon McClure
Kayla Robinson
William Fennell
Erin McCree
Paul Pitney
Emma Scanlon
Jara Hemado
Brooke McAllister
Earl Henderson
Laura Kerbo
Alexander Croghan
Jacob Akers
Leonard Razafimamenolily
Emily Endres
Morgan Gonder
David Hall
Stacey Dampf
Andriah Friend
Kayla Vaughan
Rachel Billingsley
Holly Stevens
Robert Schultz
Laura Carter
Brooke Bowman
Oluwaseun Adeleye
Richard Surber
Kylie Kirsch
Mandalynn Duffer
Bennett Rigney
Beth Huth
Ashlee Addair
Victor Atkisson
Shirley Amitrano
Katy Moore
Hillary Hirst
Valerie Busler