All of us have a particular group of friends we hang out with. And in every group there is generally the same makeup of the types of people. However, it seems there is always a pessimist. If you know that person, or it is you, please do me a favor. Take the nearest solid object or surface, and bang his/her/your head into it thoroughly. Have a concussion yet? No, then keep going until you forget whatever it was you were complaining about. Trust me, it’s probably pointless.
It is very apparent to me that we all have something to gripe and moan about.
Let me tell you something – if you are reading this you’re already way more than privileged. You have access to a computer with internet, able to access this site – Lumination. Chances are you’re a student, maybe even a professor. That means you can afford tuition, get an education, shelter and a meal plan. You don’t have anything to complain about. Three billion people in the world don’t even know how to read.
Here are some of the common “first world problems” I hear about day to day: “My phone isn’t working,” boy/girlfriend problems, “I can’t stand the parking here,” “This food sucks,” “I’m so poor,” “I need a new [insert luxury object here], my other one is too slow”… the list goes on.
Here are my well-thought-out words to those people:
- Do you even know what type of insane technology goes into making a phone? Give it a second; it’s going to space!
- If you’re having troubles with your significant other once again, wait a minute. They won’t be mad at you later. If you didn’t do anything wrong, chances are they’re just taking it out on you for no reason.
- Parking shouldn’t really be an issue to concern yourself with. Complaing about parking at a private university that you drive your own car to… that’s like having a wheelbarrow full of hundred dollar bills but saying you don’t have enough pockets to carry them all.
- The food here is just fine. You have access to a cafeteria that serves food three times a day. Sure, chicken every day might not be what you were craving, but at least you get to eat. People are starving in other countries, and you dare complain about the quality of the food you get to eat every day?
- You are not poor. I actually know of people who posted statuses on Facebook about not having enough money. Probably posted from their laptop or smart phone, from their dormitory that they pay thousands of dollars to stay in. Yes, you certainly are poor in something: sense of perspective.
America has turned us all into nothing but lazy, obese, impatient consumers. Take a look at yourself and then look around.
Seriously stop reading this for a minute and review your surroundings.
If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75 percent of the world. If you have money in the bank, your wallet, and some spare change, you are among 8 percent of the world’s wealthy. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture, or the horrible pangs of starvation, you are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering.
If you can read this message, you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read at all.
Comedian Louis C.K. couldn’t have said it any better.
“Everything’s amazing, and nobody’s happy.”
I myself have been guilty of complaining about first world problems. But I’m not saying every single person is like this. There are still positive, generous, humble souls that exist out there — God bless you all. If you have legitimate problems– health issues with you or your family, real pain, then by all means let it out.
Even people who are privileged face the hardships of life. Everyone has problems, but it’s how we deal with them that makes a difference. What ticks me off is the fact that many people in our society expect the newest and best things immediately to be spoon fed to them. Then, if they don’t get what they want right away, they whine about it until they get what they want.
It’s like a kid crying in the supermarket until we give him that candy bar.
Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s time to hit your kids. Figuratively in that metaphor, of course. The next time you hear someone whining about some pointless problem go ahead and bop them upside the head for me. Tell them to be thankful for what they have and that they even have time to worry about something so trivial.
Oh, and about the last point I had: don’t bother spending money on a new device. Your old one does everything the new model does and costs a whole lot less.
For example, getting that iPad you’ve been wanting so badly. Why do people need an iPad anyway? I personally hate the iPad. It is literally the most pointless luxury object one is able to purchase (as far as I’m concerned). It is a flat screen that is nothing but bells and whistles.
The iGalaxys, Anberrys and Blackdroids can all do exactly the same thing an iPad can, just on a smaller screen. For the price of an iPad you can get yourself a computer that can do way more than an iPad could dream of, only sacrificing the touchscreen gimmick.