In this semester’s sixth installment of Lumination News, Caitlin Selle and Jeremy Keck are behind the news desk to update you about what’s happening on campus.
Ariel Jones brings you up to speed with sports, Nick Glende fills you in on the week’s top technology headlines, Kage Sanderson gives the scoop on all things entertainment and Brianna Langley delivers your weather forecast.
This week’s newscast features some insight into the possible off-campus meal plan developments, some info on last weekend’s Presidential Scholars event, a look into the role of science in faith, an interview with a student who has done some notable sketches, some insight into this month’s celebration of Black history month, some footage of the U.S. women’s soccer team practicing at Lipscomb, a look into the SAAC organization, some insight on the past week’s preaching conference and a look at what Lipscomb students did on their Valentine’s Day, as well as our weekly Nashville Spotlight and Tweets of the Week.
Be sure to stay tuned for future newscasts published every Friday here on Lumination!