SGA announced on Wednesday that Andrew Hunt had been elected as the new President of Lipscomb’s Student Government Association.
Hunt will take over the position previously held by Patrick Grace.
Drew Watson was announced as the new Vice President, the SGA title Hunt held this past school year.
Julia Rox will once again hold the title of Secretary, while Melissa Parrish won the title of Treasurer.
Hunt expressed his excitement in the victory.
“I was really, really nervous going into it, and I really had no idea what to expect,” Hunt said. “But I’m really, really excited.”
Hunt shared a couple of the tasks he hopes to accomplish in his first days as the new SGA President, among those being the need to finalize the new addition of off-campus meal plans.
“We’ve still got some stuff to nail down about off-campus meal plans, so I’m really going to try and finish that up,” Hunt said.
Hunt also said that he hopes to establish an SGA presence on the university’s Board of Trustees.
Saying he was both surprised and excited about his win, Watson also shared his hopes for next semester, underlining his desire for improved communication between SGA and the student body.
“I really want to work on communication,” Watson said. “We’re going to start by getting the word out and accepting ideas from the student body.”
Kaley Greene was named Miss Lipscomb, while Tyler Osborne was named the Bachelor of Ugliness.
Here is the full list of election winners, courtesy of SGA.
Andrew Hunt
Drew Watson
Julia Rox
Melissa Parrish
Senior Senators
Kelli Blackshear
Rachel Bush
Virginia Ezell
Josh Self
Caesar Tang
Junior Senators
Kirby Arloff
Brendon Burke
Seth Carey
Samantha Horne
Jessica Smotherman
Sophomore Senators
Julia Allen
Jordan Beale
Mary Kathryn Charlton
Michael Clinger
Adrian Ricketts
Miss Lipscomb
Kaley Greene
Bachelor of Ugliness
Tyler Osborne