For the latest installment of MediaMasters, communications students were given ‘real world strategies’ from alumna Anne Paquin.

Paquin, who served as News Director for Lumination prior to graduating in 2013, now works as the weekend morning news producer for local TV station Channel 5. Although the occupation requires her to be on the job in the early morning hours, she said she doesn’t mind it.

“I get to hear the news first,” Paquin said. “You get that adrenaline rush.”

Since Paquin has worked at Channel 5, the news station has seen some of its highest ratings.

“I’m doing something right, which is really cool to see when you’re beating the competition,” she said.

After discussing the ins and outs of her job, Paquin offered some tips and tricks that could possibly help budding journalists land a job upon graduation. She said having a video reel and portfolio is important because those are the first things employers will see.

Paquin also stressed the importance of having a personalized resume, saying it should reflect the person it is representing, and the importance of being social media-savvy.

She said completing an internship is a way for students to get their feet in the door.

“It’s how you know what you want to do.” Paquin said. “No job is too small.”

When it’s time to start applying for jobs, being passionate is what counts, according to Paquin.

“Sell yourself,” she said.  “You want employers to buy you.”

In the early days of a new job, she suggests learning everything possible, coming to work with at least three story ideas a day and not being afraid to speak up if there is a problem.


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