My name is Brandon Carver, a Political Science major from the sprawling metropolis of Lebanon, Tenn., and I am running to be your SGA President, 2013-2014.

All this week while I have been campaigning to the student body, tirelessly inviting Facebook friends to like my page and getting my friends to help with signs or spread the word of my candidacy, I have been faced with one simple question:  “Why should I vote for you?”

My top priority as SGA president will be to have constant two-way communication with the student body.  Each week, all students should know what is voted on in our meetings — how we are working for you — as well as more efficient advertising for our large events each year.

But, SGA should also have a constant open-ear to Lipscomb students so we know what you want from us.  This fall, look for a “Meet Your SGA Day” in the square where we can meet you and hear your ideas.  But, also expect a newsletter every two weeks and more aggressive marketing for on-campus events, as well as happenings throughout Nashville.

Also for next year, look for a twist on some of your favorite events on campus.  Expect a bigger, better Paint the Herd, a tentative music festival on the Intramural Field, and [Insert Your Idea Here].  You pay a premium to come to Lipscomb, you have ideas and there is absolutely no reason why SGA cannot deliver.  Look for the follow-through on Patrick Grace’s off-campus meals project and discounts for Lipscomb students at nearby restaurants.

Lipscomb is in Music City, and there is no reason we shouldn’t take advantage of that.  For instance, say a popular act is coming to Bridgestone Arena like Coldplay, Mumford & Sons, or NEEDTOBREATHE.  SGA would never be able to afford to have an act of this magnitude on campus, but what we could do is subsidize Lipscomb students’ tickets to see the show.  We want you to enjoy events on campus, but we also want to make available off-campus events by integrating with all that Nashville has to offer.

With two years experience, I have seen the changes that need to be made to the Lipscomb SGA.  The student body deserves a president who will pursue the changes needed on campus — a president who will make progress toward a more exciting, more diverse and more cutting-edge Lipscomb experience.

Vote for me — not because you may recognize my name, not because you’ve known me since freshman year and not because “John Brandon Carver” has a nice, presidential ring to it, but vote for me because you resonate with what I stand for.  Vote for me because my ideas are the change you want to see at Lipscomb University.

See you at the polls!

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