Open Letter to the Student Body:
My name is Lauren Gardiner, and I am running for Vice President of the Student Government Association 2015-2016. I am a Sophomore Informatics major with a Business concentration from Lexington, Kentucky. I strongly believe that my vision, passion, drive and skill make me the best fit to serve as your SGA Vice President this next year.
When I came to Lipscomb, the one thing I knew I wanted to get involved in was SGA. Due to a debilitating illness in high school, I did not have a good high school experience, so I knew I wanted to use my leadership skills to not only give myself an incredible college experience, but my classmates as well. My time in SGA so far has made this dream come true, and I want to continue this work and take it to the next level. These past two years, I have been honored to serve on SGA, work on both the social and communication committees and help revamp our constitution. I strongly believe that my knowledge of SGA, coupled with my management experience and passion for people, has provided me with the best skill set to lead SGA and make the Lipscomb student experience even better.
If Elected:
- A major project that SGA started working on last year was the issue of having to pay to get credit for summer internships. I have a strong desire to see this change because I believe experiential learning opportunities should be encouraged to help develop our student body. A main goal, if elected Vice President, would be to continue this work with the Provost Office in hope of changing the current system.
- The purpose of SGA is to represent the voice of the student body to the administration. I believe that my diversified involvement in groups on campus, as well as my concerted effort to meet different people and hear their stories makes me more than capable of representing their voices. If elected, my goal would be to continue this and learn even more students’ stories.
- My final goal would be to put on a largely attended spring event for the entire student body. SGA puts on incredible and successful fall events like Paint the Herd. I would love to see another large-scale event in the spring to keep all students engaged in the Lipscomb community throughout the entire school year.
The most important thing throughout all of these goals is you all, the students! If you want to see something different at Lipscomb that is not listed above, please feel free to stop me on campus or email me at This is all about making sure your voice is heard and the first step in doing so is voting Lauren Gardiner for SGA Vice President on Tuesday!