by Nick Glende | Oct 2, 2011 | News Slider
Just when you thought it was safe, a new strain of infection has appeared. You thought you had outlasted them, but they are making a return. Whether the human race lives or becomes zombie food is in your hands; so get your guns ready, we’re counting on you. Lipscomb University wants you to join the defensive forces against the incoming zombie horde. Another game of Humans vs. Zombies begins October 10. If you live under a rock or were unable to participate in the previous events, now is your chance. “What is Humans vs. Zombies?” you ask. Imagine a very large-scale game of tag, but much more in-depth. Students play campus-wide for days straight. One player starts as the “original zombie,” or “it,” and then tags other players who then become zombies themselves. But rather than just run away, you defend yourself with Nerf® weaponry. Head Administrator for HvZ, Brian Wessels, has high hopes and promises a much better experience for players this time. “The last couple of games we had instances of players who took the fun out of the game. We had people sign up and not participate and players who would break the rules. “We now have an administrative staff to prevent any cheating, and staff members can’t play. Also to get people more involved, we’re going to have missions and prizes. This will be our new core experience.” The missions will be mandatory, so people won’t just sit in their rooms and hide. They will consist of exciting adventures, such as escort and rescue missions, as well as a scavenger hunt. Players who complete the missions...