We’re happy to introduce a new weekly feature on Lumination specifically designed for the summer months. Any bit of campus news that get passed along through email or other Lipscomb outlets will be gathered here every Thursday so that you can stay in the loop while you’re away.
From the Lipscomb Bookstore:
Have a graphing calculator? We’ll buy that back too!!
Rented your books this year? Rentals are due back by the end of the day Friday.
From Jeff Wilson, director of Campus Plant and Retail Operations:
It has come to our attention that some members of the Lipscomb community have planned to fill the pond located on the south side of campus with detergent and soap as an end-of-the-year prank. While the prank may seem harmless, those substances are deadly for the animals that live in and on the pond as well as the vegetation surrounding it. It also costs thousands of dollars to repair the equipment and replace the plants and animals that could be damaged or lost. In addition, the pond drains into Brown’s Creek, which could cause harmful effects for quite a distance downstream. Our campus has zero tolerance for harmful and destructive behavior, and we ask that you honor the spirit of respect for our community and our physical campus.
Thank you for helping us keep this area one that is safe for our community as well as the plants and animals that call it home.
From Karen Morgan:
The parking lots on the north side of campus, with entrance off Belmont behind McFarland, will be restricted beginning May 6 for the duration of construction.
The entrance off Belmont to parking behind McFarland, Crisman & Fanning will only be open for parking for those with reserved parking spaces between Crisman & Fanning.
For ALL other parking behind the Villages and Elam, you will need to enter from Granny White behind Harding Hall.
From Jake Burton, Campus Minister and Director of Mentoring:
From Lipscomb Dining:
We would like to make you aware that we will not be serving Sunday brunch over the summer vacation. Our last Sunday to serve was yesterday (4/28). Brunch will resume in the fall. We wish everyone good luck with finals and hope you have a wonderful summer break!!
Be sure to stay tuned every Thursday this summer for more Campus Notes.