Student brings photography business to campus, Nashville

Student brings photography business to campus, Nashville

For sophomore musical theatre major Sarah Johnson photography is about more than telling a story with simple snapshots. It’s about opening people up and discovering who they are at their very core. “I think photography is about capturing people as they truly are,” Johnson said. “It isn’t about the right angle making (someone) look thinner, more mature, less award or more natural. It’s about capturing [them] as a person.” Johnson developed an appreciation for photography at a young age. Thinking back to her pre-adolescent years, Johnson said she could hardly remember something if there wasn’t a picture to set the scene. During high school, Johnson dabbled in portrait photography and provided free senior photo shoots to friends. She carried a camera with her everywhere she went, sometimes to the dismay of close friends and classmates. “I would take it into classes and if one of my friends said something funny, I would take a picture of their face,” Johnson said. “It became annoying for all of my friends in high school.” Around the same time, Johnson became interested in performance photography after scrolling through several artistic photos of a famous friend. “My friend Manna Nichols in on Broadway in Allegiance,” Johnson said. “We grew up in the same church, same schools and she kind of took me under her wing. “I saw pictures that a photography friend of hers put up on Facebook and it sparked my interest in the performance side of photography.” Since entering college, the freedom to explore different areas of photography presented Johnson with several unprecedented opportunities. Being a part of the theatre department, it...
Top five movie picks of 2015

Top five movie picks of 2015

Out of several okay movies I saw this year, five films stood out as great. Whether they made me laugh, cry, cheer, scream or all of the above, I enjoyed all of these films immensely, and I’m sure a lot of you did, too. Pitch Perfect 2 Despite some of its cheap jokes and shortcomings, this movie was still a lot of fun to see. The a cappella music is amazing as always, and the whole movie is worth it just for the riff-off halfway through. Definitely best to watch with a group of friends, PP2 is currently available to rent through Redbox or on DVD everywhere. Amy I love documentaries, and this one was definitely a great one. I knew nothing about Amy Winehouse outside of her death and rehab stints when I entered the theater, and I walked out wanting to fight whoever said a bad word about her and her angelic voice. Definitely heart wrenching at times, this film paints a beautiful, though truthful, portrait of the life of the jazz singer. Amy is available to rent through Redbox or for purchase on iTunes. Star Wars: The Force Awakens As if this surprises anyone, the new Star Wars is smashing box office records worldwide, and with great reason. With enough nostalgia to make any fan squeal mixed in with the perfect amount of new scenery and characters, The Force Awakens is the most classic, wonderful entry in the Star Wars saga since Return of the Jedi. The Force Awakens is still playing in theaters everywhere, but get your tickets fast! Inside Out I’ve seen this movie...
Lipscomb students get excited for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

Lipscomb students get excited for ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

Students have shown a great force of excitement as “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” approaches its opening day. During Star Wars week, Lipscomb has had everything from Star Wars-themed shirts in the bookstore to a spray-painted Star Wars Bison. Although many claimed the Star Wars story ended with “Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi,” George Lucas sold Lucasfilm Ltd. to The Walt Disney Company, which then proceded with production on the new film in 2013, and a huge casting call that followed. “I’m excited to see if Disney royally messes it up or not,” junior Carson Lassiter said. “I’m excited to see what they do with the villains and the Empire.” Junior Caleb Finley said he was also excited to see where other characters end up. “I’m most excited to see the character development within Han Solo and Princess Leia,” Finley said. “[I’m also excited to] find out the mystery behind where Luke Skywalker ended up.” Speculation is amongst other students as well. For many, it’s part of the fun — guessing what’s going to happen within the story of the new movie. “I hate to ruin this, but Luke is going to be the villain,” junior Phillip Moore said. “Also, no Jar Jar.” Lucas’ Gungan character Jar Jar Binks is mostly despised amongst the fanbase, and the hate for him is voiced on campus as well. A theory by Reddit user Lumpawarroo popped up amongst the Star Wars community. It’s a very detailed theory that supports the idea of Jar Jar Binks being an evil Sith collaborator. Finley said he’s seen the theory. “We obviously already...
Foundation Dance Theatre presents dance concert “Elevate”

Foundation Dance Theatre presents dance concert “Elevate”

Lipscomb’s dance company Foundation Dance Theatre (FDT) presented the first of three “Elevate” performances Friday night in Shamblin Theatre. FDT provides an artistic outlet for students of all majors and backgrounds. The foundation’s main goal is to provide an on-campus way for students tell stories through movement and grow in the art of dance, whether he or she is a beginner or an experienced dancer. The show features performances by both company and theater students as well as professional dancers. Styles include jazz, ballet, modern and tap. “For me, it was really exciting to come to college and still be able to dance,” freshman Peggy Miller said. “There’s a really good sense of community in being able to do something you love with really good professors and at the same time grow a lot as an artist. It was so much better than I expected. I really love it.” “Elevate” was directed by co-founder and adjunct faculty member Leigh Anne Ervin as well as choreographer and professor Kari Smith. “Initially it was primarily theater students that were involved,” sophomore Emily Meinerding said. “It branched out [to] incorporate other students that wanted to dance outside of school.” The two-act show features performances by students with a wide range of expertise. Several students participate in multiple dances. The production’s lighting and sound was constructed by students as well. The production includes both secular and religious pieces. The event concludes with a dance by Tier II students that centers around the power of baptism. “What I love about the dance theatre company here is that it’s unique because we have the ability to use our...
11th Lighting of the Green brings holiday cheer; Grant scholarship awarded to student Sarah Wood

11th Lighting of the Green brings holiday cheer; Grant scholarship awarded to student Sarah Wood

Festive music, hot chocolate and Christmas lights welcomed the 11th annual Lighting of the Green Tuesday night in Allen Arena. Amy Grant returned as the host of the evening with guest artists Steven Curtis Chapman, Odessa Settles, Jon and Valerie Guerra, 3for3 and a group of over 150 academy and university chorus students. Lipscomb’s own Arcadian Wild also performed during the show. Sarah Wood, a junior and founding member of the band, was awarded the first Amy Grant scholarship. Wood was selected based on her artistry within the College of Entertainment and the Arts as well as her philanthropy work with the Tennessee prison ministry. “Not only is she someone with great talent,” Presidential Spouse Rhonda Lowry said. “But she’s one that does something that matters.” Before the show began, guests were invited to take a photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus and visit several local business venders made available inside Allen Arena.   Attendees also received hot chocolate and cookies courtesy of the Lipscomb Theatre Department. “Doing this is a great way to hand out Christmas joy, especially to families with young kids who just get so excited to be here,” sophomore Katie Woytach said. Grant performed a number of her Christmas-themed hits during the show, including “Emmanuel” and “Tennessee Christmas.” “I grew up listening to Amy Grant on tapes in my mini van with my mom, so I hear these songs and it brings back memories from Christmases my entire life,” sophomore Caroline Sutton said. During the show, Grant discussed her partnership with the Barefoot Republic summer camp. She invited founder Tommy Rhodes on stage with her to...