Election day is upon us, and students around campus are abuzz with political fervor as President Barack Obama and former governor Mitt Romney battle to win the presidential election.
While Tennessee is poised to give its Electoral College votes to Romney, such key swing states as Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, New Hampshire and Wisconsin remain up in the air for both candidates.
Freshmen Cole Meador believes that Mitt Romney has the edge in tonight’s turnout.
“I think that Romney will win,” Meador said.
Sophomore August Nelson believes that the election will come down to the turnout in Ohio.
“I think it’s too close to call right now,” Nelson said. “I think we’ll find out at the end of the night once we know how Ohio votes.”
Rasmussen Reports have Romney with a slight 49-48 lead over Obama in the national poll, while a CNN poll puts the two even with each other at 49. CNN also reports that an ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll puts the Obama ahead in the race 49-48. An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has Obama ahead at 48-47. Politico/George Washington University’s survey has the candidates tied at 48.
Polls in Tennessee close today at 7 p.m.
UPDATE: 7:35 p.m. – CNN projects that Romney has won Tennessee and its 11 Electoral College votes.