In this semester’s first installment of Lumination News, Nicolette Carney and Jeremy Keck are behind the news desk to update you about what’s happening on campus.
Ariel Jones brings you up to speed with sports, Jessica Burke gives the scoop on all things entertainment, and Brynn Watkins delivers your weather forecast.
Videos feature a look into how Lipscomb students spent their winter break, highlights of Monday’s Bison basketball match-ups, an update on the new shuttle changes, interviews with a few Predators players and Coach Trotz concerning the recent end of the NHL lockout, a look into ‘senoritis,’ some information on Campus Recreation’s Get Fit initiative, information on AfterDark’s visit to campus, a look into campus’ recycling efforts, a few student opinions on why the Mayan’s supposed apocalypse didn’t happen, and our weekly Nashville Spotlight/Tweets of the Week.
Be sure to stay tuned for future newscasts published every Friday here on Lumination!