In this week’s installment of Lumination News, Jeremy Keck and Kelly Dean are behind the news desk to update you about what’s happening on campus.
Nicolette Carney gives you the latest in political news, Brynn Watkins updates you on the weather forecast, Caitlin Selle has your entertainment news and Crystal Davis brings you up to speed on sports.
Videos feature information about Lipscomb’s public hearing at a Metro Planning Commission meeting, technology developments with myLipscomb, Now That You Ask with John Seigenthaler, social club pledging, Rape Aggression Defense classes, “A Servant of Two Masters,” HumanDocs, Kingdom Politics at Acklen Church of Christ, and Nashville Spotlight on the 12th Avenue South area.
LUmination Newscast 9-27-2012 from lumination Network on Vimeo.