In the sixth week of the 2013-2014 school year, Madeline Smith and Joe Sanderson are behind the news desk to update you about what is happening on campus and around the Nashville community.
Brianna Langley fills you in on the week’s top world news headlines, Janice Ng give the scoop on all things with Nashville entertainment, Kelly Dean gives you the weather forecast and Carter Sanderson brings you up to speed with sports.
This week’s newscast sheds light on the merging of the English and Foreign Language Departments, offers a look into what the Lipscomb community thinks of Obamacare, takes a look at the new change of optional minors on graduation plans, shows highlights of the Lady Bisons’ volleyball match against Kentucky, gives an update on the shuttle service and features a recap of the 31st annual African Street Festival. Also featured this week are a look at Almost Golf, some insight into the upcoming Nashville Choreographer’s Canvas and an array of student opinions of the new Apple software update.
Be sure to stay tuned for future newscasts published every Friday here on Lumination!