Elaine Kamarck, spoke on Election 2010: It’s the Economy, Stupid – Again for the Don R. Elliott distinguished presidential lecture at Shamblin Theater on October 7th.
Kamarck, who is a veteran at the White House and an expert on policies with years of expertise and experience during the Clinton administration and is the author of two books. She lectures on a variety of presidential policies, and more over about economics and how politics is effected by the 21st century environment.
Kamarck began her speech with basic information about the economy but transformed that information into how the current economic situation has effected the popularity of the President and other current political issues.
After her brief lecture, she and two other panelists answered questions from the audience. The other panelist were Marc Schwerdt, assistant professor of political science and academic chair of history, politics and philosophy, and Linda Schacht, associate professor of communication and political science.
Questions by audience members varied from the weight of the president’s cabinet in decision-making to the role of congress, the current economic and political environment. Other audience members asked about the role of women in politics, particularly the progression of those roles.
The event filled Shamblin Theatre with an audience of Lipscomb students and faculty and members of the Nashville community.