Each member from every social club on campus gathered Thursday night in Collins Alumni Auditorium to celebrate the annual Greek Life awards.
This year the awards were hosted by senior Conner Crocker. Throughout the evening, Crocker entertained the audience with his stories and jokes as they reminisced on the past year as part of Greek Life. He also introduced speakers such as Laurie Sain, Landon Parrish and Sam Parnell.
Throughout the evening, each social club was recognized for their accomplishments during the school year. Special recognition was given to the president of each club as well.
Speakers discussed highlights in intramurals, missions, service and philanthropy from the past year and touched on other aspects of club involvement as well.
Then, at the end of the evening, one special men and women’s club received the coveted title of Club of the Year.
This award is presented to the clubs that have best represented Greek Life throughout involvement in service, campus relations, club spirit and participation. Each club submits a Club of the Year video and the two winning clubs’ videos are shown at the event.
This year, the Club of the Year award went to Theta Psi and Delta Omega.
“This sisterhood is one that laughs, cries and celebrates together and I am so honored to have been able to show that through our video,” Delta Omega senior Brooke Dorris said.
The president of Delta Omega, Olivia Sartain, and the vice president of Theta Psi, Reese Lusk, joined Sam Smith on the stage to receive the trophies.
“It was an honor to accept the trophy on behalf of our guys,” Lusk said. “They’ve worked so hard to help make Greek Life what it is. We are all really excited to get this win.”
Sartain expressed Delta Omega’s surprise when receiving their award but said that they were honored and humbled by the award given to the sisterhood that is very special to each girl involved.
“It’s humbling to know that the differences we make in our sisters’ lives and the lives of those in our community are affirmed by Lipscomb faculty and students,” she said.