Lumination News, February 28, 2014

Find out what is happening at Lipscomb and around Nashville during this week’s installment of Lumination News. Savanna Schubert and Aaron Shmelzer inform you about what is happening on and off campus from the anchor desk. What is gov. Haslam trying to change and how will this affect future students? Bridgette Begle brings the answers. The Well is relocating. The coffeehouse is making an effort to stay close to Lipscomb. During this week’s Lumination News, you’ll be able to find out how you can help The Well stay in Green Hills. We also give you an update on the weather and what to expect during the next days. Do you have story ideas? An event you want us to cover? Email our News Director Jael Teme...

Lumination Newscast, Feb. 14, 2014

It is the week of love at Lipscomb University and as usual, Lumination brings you the most relevant news about our campus and Nashville. During this installment, led by Madeline Smith and Martin Baker from the desk, we have a special report on the Olympics. If you want to know how USA is doing in Sochi tune in to watch Sarah McGee bringing you the scoop. Have you participated in Bison Match? Reporter Whitney Smith went looking for those who did and she brings you the results. As part of this week’s newscast, we bring you a heart-warming interview with Gemikal Prude after setting a new high-jump record. Bridgette Begle talked to Prude and was able to show us a video of the exact moment when the new record was set. Do you have story ideas? An event you want us to cover? Email our News Director at...

Lumination Newscast, Jan. 24, 2014

In the second installment of Lumination News for the 2014 spring semester, Caitlin Selle and Aaron Schmelzer are behind the news desk to update you about campus Greek life and how the local community celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Martin Baker fills you in on the week’s top world news headlines, Savanna Schubert gives the scoop on all things entertainment, Sarah McGee gives you the weather forecast and Sydney Poe brings you up to speed with sports. Be sure to stay tuned for future newscasts published every Friday here on...