Sigma Iota Delta earns 2013 Stomp Fest crown

Eight social clubs. One crowd. Three judges.  One winner. Kappa Iota Theta once again sponsored the ever-popular Stomp Fest event, which drew a large crowd to the sold out show. From top to bottom, Collins Alumni Auditorium was filled to the brim with Lipscomb students, faculty, parents and alumni. Lipscomb’s own TJ Ojehomon hosted the event, adding energy to the already energized group. Ojehomon went on to introduce the social clubs competing for the Stomp Fest 2013 title after an opening number where two members from each social club were represented. The first set of social clubs then performed their rehearsed routines. After a 10 minute intermission and performance by Michael “Mic O” Oruma, another one of Lipscomb’s own, the second half of the show began. The remaining social clubs closed out the night with cheers and applause, leaving the crowd to wonder who would be champion. Three judges, Shirley Bailey, Krystal Brown and Jessica Rich, who have over 20 years of combined experience in stomping, decided the winner of the competitive step show. Ojehomon called all participants to gather on stage for the announcement of the runner up and winner of 2013 after the judges tallied their scores.  Pi Delta claimed second place while Sigma Iota Delta won the title as the 2013 Stomp Fest winners. Anthony Strode, a member of Sigma Iota Delta, shared  how it felt to be the 2013 Stomp Fest winner by saying how surprised he was about being proclaimed champion. “I was so surprised. It was a last minute thing,” Strode said. “ We didn’t come in feeling confidant, but we all prayed about...

Students stress over Singarama

As opening night for Singarama approaches next weekend, student groups are striving to amaze the audiences with a showcase of their talent, staging and story lines. Singarama is Lipscomb’s annual event that brings social club members and their friends together for a performance competition. This annual tradition has been one of Lipscomb’s main events for nearly half of a century. Joe Muchmore, a senior biology major from Boulder, Colo., has been in Singarama the past two years and will be a host again for this year’s production. He said participants are really feeling the “crunch” of doing the show prior to spring break instead of after, as its been in previous years. “It’s definitely a little more stressful trying to get everything together,” he said. “Just trying to get the lyrics memorized and learn the songs in such a short amount of time… it’s harder to get it ready for the final performance. In the past years, the two weeks up to the show we had everything pretty much ready and were just rehearsing, whereas now we’re still trying to learn how to do everything.” Muchmore said hosts and hostesses are currently focusing on “being confident with the harmonies, so that when the show comes, we can hit it strong and not be iffy. I think that’s really crucial for a good sound.” He said the cast is feeling nervous excitement about the performances. “Right now, it’s definitely stressed more than excited, but it’s a stressed excited,” Muchmore said. “It’s because we’re a week away, and we haven’t even worked everything out yet. We’ve got a lot of work...

Student Activity Center to be Renovated

Lipscomb’s Student Activity Center is about to receive a much anticipated renovation. Over the next two years, several million dollars will be invested into the SAC, offering vastly improved fitness opportunities for students and faculty. This fall, visitors will notice many changes throughout the building, beginning with an improved reception area and lounge that will include not only a smoothie bar, but also well as new furniture. New floors will be installed for the basketball and racquetball courts, with a new branding effort also to be emphasized. Fear no more the Freshman 15, as Lipscomb has purchased all new equipment from Life Fitness for the weight room. For those not looking to bulk-up for spring break, a spinning studio will be built, and the SAC will even offer a larger aerobics room. “Campus Recreation is driven to provide many opportunities for students to become fit and active,” said Emily Harris, director of campus recreation. “We believe that fitness is a matter of stewardship and when we become balanced we can be the best God intended us to be.” As part of an increased focus on student health, Lipscomb will also provide free group fitness classes to students. These will be instructor-led exercise classes offering skill levels for those both beginners and the advanced. Additionally, students will have the option to take nutrition classes on campus and will even be able to hire a personal trainer for the new weight and fitness rooms. Increased operating hours will be another addition to the SAC’s improvement; these extra hours are aimed to help students avoid having to pay pricey gym memberships in...