The world has been watching its favorite teams compete in the 2014 Winter Olympics being held in Sochi, Russia. Students at Lipscomb are no exception.

“I’m a huge hockey fan,” said junior Taylor Jackson. “Hockey is the reason I like the Winter Olympics better than the summer ones.”

Despite getting off to a bumpy start with construction still going on when the press and athletes arrived to Sochi, the games have been a hit around the world, with the events live on NBC.

“I love watching the bobsledding, ice dancing and skiing,” said senior Elizabeth Oliver.

Many students have been watching the Olympics, but certain elements of it stand out to different people.

“I love the stories about the athletes,” Oliver said. “I like to hear about their stories and their past that got them where they are. I also like to see USA win gold, obviously.”

Events Team USA has excelled in are mostly under the skiing and snowboarding categories. America won the gold and silver for both male and female snowboard slope-style. Meryl Davis and Charlie White won the gold for the ice dance free style competition.  Team USA also won the bronze in the figure skating mixed team competition.

The closing ceremonies are Sunday Feb. 23,  at 10 a.m.

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