Taylor Cao For SGA President

Experience—that is the first word that pops in my mind. It is the first word I think of when I ask myself why I want to run for President of Lipscomb’s Student Government Association. I acknowledge that I have not been a part of the organization for as long as others; however, Lipscomb is huge part of who I am and has helped me grow into the leader I am today.

Being a tour guide for admissions since my freshmen year and a resident assistant in High Rise for the past two years have cultivated my skills as a leader to the student body here at Lipscomb. Communing with the students here is a passion of mine, and I want nothing more than to serve you all this coming year as SGA President. I promise that I will serve you to the best of my ability if elected.

I am not here to make any unattainable promises or create unrealistic goals. However, I am here to be an advocate. If I am elected as President of the Student Government Association, I promise that I will be a voice for students. When I mean students, I do not mean just the ones a part of one specific area of campus. I mean everyone from those involved in Greek life, to athletes, to theatre performers, to minority students and everywhere in between. I want to be a voice to the student who works several jobs just so they can afford to be a part of this community. I want to help foster an environment here that will lead to intellectual, emotional, and most of all spiritual growth.

With your vote for me as President comes a promise—a promise to make this coming year a fruitful one for everyone on this campus and who is a part of this community. I know that I am capable of this office and would be extremely appreciative of your support. Thank you for your time and consideration.

In Him,

Taylor Cao

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