Go: a call to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Guatemala

Go: a call to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Guatemala

Go. The call seems so strong. Go. Go to Guatemala, and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Go serve with passion and purpose, knowing that the Lord is going before you and is with you every step of the way. Then why has the journey to get here been so hard? Let me tell you a story. I remember sitting on the bench outside of Dr. Bradshaw’s office at 7:30 in the morning each day during the fall semester of my freshmen year to work on my homework (lol #ambitiousfreshman). Dr. Bradshaw (true to character) struck up a conversation with me. That exchange ended with this statement: “Elizabeth, you should apply for the Guatemala team.” And the rest was history. As I sit here in Guatemala right now, I’m reminded of how thankful I am for this mission trip. Being a part of this team for three years has been one of my only constants of my time here at Lipscomb. Semesters bring about new classes, new friends, healing and brokenness, but the Guatemala team has been the community that has been there through it all. Through this trip, I have been reminded of my passion for medicine, and the physical and spiritual healing it can provide. This year started out just like every other year. Our team started meeting in early October, and we spent a ton of time building community and preparing for the adventure that awaited us. GoFundme pages started popping up all over my Facebook page––everything seemed to be pretty normal. Then, as is typical of junior year, everything hit the fan: -Due to...