Dana Gioia’s Christian Influence

Dana Gioia’s Christian Influence

From how the powers and principalities of the world influence the Christians’ role in the play of the world, to finding a story in the world, to how Christians should act in this play put on by the world, attendees of the conference were enlightened on the importance of a relationship between Christianity and the arts. Perhaps one of the most thought-provoking and penetrating insights was delivered by Dana Gioia, a former Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. He set out to show the decrease of the Christian’s influence in writing today as compared to the mid-century. “If speaking of [mid-century] literature, you couldn’t do it without mentioning devout Christians,” he said. The names he referenced were those of Flannery O’Conner, Tennessee Williams, Thomas Merton, J.R. Tolken, C.S. Lewis, and Robert Fitzgerald. “All of these individuals identified with Christianity, even though Christianity wasn’t the most prominent idea of their time,” he said. He asserted that while Christians once actively participated, and more importantly influenced, literary review. In the eyes of Gioia, this is no longer true.  He sees a group of writers who are Christians but won’t claim their identity in a positive light because they stand to gain nothing. “Society has little to no use for Christianity,” he said. He declared that we as Christians have “ceded the arts to secular culture,” which was a “radical departure from the Christian tradition,” and has left society, “without a transcendent vision.” And because of this departure, Gioia sees a spiritually impoverished society. Gioia adamantly asserted that he wasn’t suggesting all art should have a Christian influence, but rather,...


Lipscomb University’s EU and You program is a Law, Justice & Society sponsored, global learning trip to the European Union. This 10 day trip allows students to visit four EU member counties – including the cities of London, Paris, Brussels, and Geneva – and explore the differences and similarities between American and European societal issues and the approaches taken to solve or improve those issues. Watch the group’s entire journey through the capitals of...
Study Abroad: EU and You, London

Study Abroad: EU and You, London

Last Friday, students boarded United flight 9012 for London-Heathrow airport. What was originally scheduled to be a nine hour flight became nearly a twelve hours as a result of the volcanic ash lingering in the Icelandic sky. However, the 18 students on the trip used this extra time to sleep on the airplane and to aid in adjusting to the timezone differences. Upon arrival in London, students took a quick bus tour of London before checking in at the hotel, including a tour of the inside of Westminster Abbey. Friday proved to be a day of sight-seeing, souvenir shopping and the enjoyment of an authentic fish and chip dinner at a local restaurant. Sunday morning began with a worship experience at Westminster Abbey. The Anglican service was one most students had never experienced but were appreciative of partaking in. “The tradition was quite beautiful,” said one student about the worship. Later that afternoon, students traveled to Kensington Palace. Cheese plates, various teas, sandwiches, finger foods, and desserts filled the tables as students enjoyed the cultural experience of high tea at the palace. After tea, Dr. Charla Long recognized the three seniors who graduated this semester but were unable to walk as a result of going on the trip to the EU. Grace Biggs, Hayden Pendergrass Justin Harris, Anela Odzakovic and Bojana Zivak were all recognized. Biggs also received her SALT scholar medallion. Monday morning began with a lecture from Chris Bullivant, the Projects Director of The Centre for Social Justice. This lecture served to highlight the similarities in British and American approaches to poverty, education, and homelessness. The Centre for...