The Best Buddies Program has not only impacted young adults with developmental disabilities, but their mentors, too.

Lipscomb’s Best Buddies Chapter was created in the fall of 2010. The program creates one-on-one relationships for young adults with developmental impairments and other young adults.

“Best Buddies has benefited me in the way I have formed genuine relationships that I wouldn’t have been able to form on my own,” said sophomore Abby Wolfgong, an officer of Lipscomb’s chapter.

Wolfgong has been involved in the program since her freshman year and plans to continue involvement throughout her college experience.

Stationed at schools around the world, Best Buddies aims to give all people with disabilities the opportunity to create life-long friendships, much like Wolfgong has experienced.

Best Buddies International promises a commitment “to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.”

More information about the program can be found on its website.

Photo courtesy of Lipscomb University

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