Explanation of the New Bible Requirement

Beginning Fall 2010, all students desiring an LU degree must satisfy a specific Bible requirement.  Most students will meet that requirement by earning credit for six Bible courses, as specified in I and II below; transfer students will meet it by following the guidelines specified in III below.

I. Students who entered LU before Fall 2008 must have credit for BI 1072 or 1073, BI 1082 or 1083, BI 1092 or 1093, and any three other BI courses.  (NOTE: Those listed as 2-hr courses in previous catalogs will count toward the six-course requirement for these students only.)

II. Students who entered LU in Fall 2008 or after must take BI 1073, BI 1083, BI 1093; either BI 3213, BI 3433, or BI 4213; and any two other Bible courses.

III. Transfer students seeking an LU degree must satisfy a Bible requirement based on the number of hours they will eventually earn at LU, including specific courses:

A. Transfers who will earn 33-59 credit hours at LU must take two BI courses: BI 1073 and BI 1083.      (NOTE: At least 33 hours must be taken at LU in order to receive a degree from this institution.)

B.Transfers who will earn 60-79 credit hours at LU must take three BI courses: BI 1073, BI 1083, and BI 1093.

C. Transfers who will earn 80-99 credit hours at LU must take four BI courses: BI 1073, BI 1083, BI 1093, and either BI 3213, BI 3433, or BI 4213.

D. Transfers who will earn 100 or more credit hours at LU must satisfy the same requirement as students who entered LU in Fall 2008 or after (see II above).

Any student may take additional BI courses over and above the requirement as electives.

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