With health week being this last week, Lipscomb students and the Campus Rec staff are getting fitter than ever.

That is not all that the men and women in the SAC have planned for this semester, though.

“Campus Rec has three different entities; wellness, intramurals and outdoor adventure,” said Director of Campus Recreation, Emily Harris. “Those three programs have been branded going into the year and we have a grad assistant that is an expert in the field.”

Harris said that they already have several trips planned for this semester, including white water rafting and horseback riding in October. While those will cost students a bit of cash, the other trips such as hiking or camping will be free.

One of the graduate assistants is also organizing a running club. Right now, Dominique Jacoy is training students three mornings a week in preparation for a 5K this fall. Right now, members of the club are readying themselves for a fundraiser to get uniforms for the run. Next spring, Jacoy’s goal is for the club to run a half-marathon.

With the improvements in the SAC, Campus Rec is seeing rapid growth in all their programs.

“We now have weight room supervisors that are there from 3-8 on Monday thru Friday, Harris said. “They are there for safety and to help the students better their workout capacity or their fitness level. They’re also there to show students how to use the equipment.”

One big change that Harris and her staff made was changing the cost of group fitness classes. They didn’t just change – now, classes like zumba, hip-hop and spinning are 100 percent free

Another big change is with the way that intramurals are being ran this year. Now, the program has become more flexible than ever, adding separate leagues to each sport, making it easier on students that have jobs during the week. Now, participants can pick which nights they can play, and join that league

The intramural field lights have helped, too.

“We are just so blessed that everything is within walking distance now,” Harris said. “Now, students can walk up to games and cheer their friends on whenever they like.”

Harris said to be sure to keep up with what Campus Rec has in store for the coming months. And to do just that, check back with Lumination Network for a month by month look at what’s in store.

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