Senior social work major Heather Witt was one of 13 Lipscomb students who traveled to Dundee, Scotland, over their spring break to participate in a mentorship program with local seventh graders.

Witt spoke of the importance of this trip both to her and to the people they encounter during their time there each year as well, noting that evangelism is not very present in Scotland, and Christianity is sparse.

“They’ll know that we think they’re important, that they have purpose and that they are so incredibly loved by us and by God — regardless of whether or not they believe in Him,” Witt said.

She added that, ultimately, it is the group’s goal to simply help these kids to know and feel the love of God no matter what.

Although Witt is graduating in May, she said she is thankful for the experiences she gained through traveling to Dundee and hopes to keep up with the relationships she has built there.

On a typical day, Witt said the team would get up and head straight to the middle school to do two sessions with the students, and then they would spend their evenings doing fun activities with one of the local youth groups. All of this, she added, was accompanied by “plenty of tea.”

One of the biggest goals of this trip each year is to build relationships with the people of Dundee, Scotland. Witt said that was the biggest draw that made her want to return for her second time because she had a desire to return to those relationships and continue to build them.

This mission trip was different than any Witt had ever been on before, and she had experienced and enjoyed many mission trips where she had the opportunity to work in orphanages or help with Vacation Bible School in different places in the past. However, Witt said she was looking for more of a challenge.

“Nothing challenges you more than a Scottish kid asking you why bad things happen to good people or whether or not God approves of the death penalty.”

Photo courtesy of Heather Witt

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