A Lipscomb Academy student has accomplished something very few nationwide can claim: a perfect SAT score.

Han Na Kim, a senior, was born in Korea and has been at Lipscomb Academy for seven years. Kim took the SAT in February and scored a 2180.  She and her parents thought she could earn a better score, so she bought a study guide and took practice tests. 

“Every time I sit down to crack a book or take a test, I pray,” Kim said. “I’m not doing this for myself or my parents; academia is an area I can honor God with and studying here in America is a huge blessing.”

She took the SAT for the second time in October, this time earning a perfect 2400.

In 2012, 1.6 million students nationwide sat down to take the nearly 4-hour exam that tests aptitude in mathematics, science and reading. Only 360 students earned a perfect 2400.

Kim said when she saw her scores she was in disbelief. “It just doesn’t seem real, I have had this burden of trying to figure out how to pay for college, and now I feel like I can apply and have a chance at a prestigious school. I know this is one of the ways God is providing for me.”

Kim, who earned a nearly perfect 35 on the ACT and is enrolled in two advanced placement courses and a dual enrollment class through Lipscomb University, said she is undecided on a college, though she is leaning toward education as a major.

“Han Na Kim is a motivated, dedicated, intelligent and involved young lady,” said Kristi Reynolds, Lipscomb Academy chemistry teacher. “I have had the privilege of teaching Han Na for the past two years in honors and AP chemistry courses. She is very committed to always doing her best at everything that she does.”

“Han Na’s perfect score on the SAT is a testimony to her diligence as a student and her level of intellect,” said Dr. Mike Hammond, Lipscomb Academy headmaster. “In addition to being a brilliant student, Han Na would receive very high marks in respect for others, integrity, having a servant heart, faithfulness to God, and possessing a humble and grateful spirit. We celebrate this level of excellence for her and greatly appreciate her example to other students and her contributions to the learning environment at Lipscomb Academy.”

In her free time, the National Merit semifinalist likes to play the flute, the piano and has recently discovered skateboarding.

Press release courtesy of Kristen Boatman, Lipscomb Academy director of communications and public relations.

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