On the day after an agreement has finally been reached to extend the federal debt ceiling, both Republicans and Democrats can rejoice the government has avoided a possible default. While congressional approval is still required, America has seen bipartisanship win once again.

And bipartisanship is exactly what Thomas Whisenant wants on Lipscomb’s campus.

Resurrecting the Lipscomb Democrats club, Whisenant is ready to give democratic students a louder voice on campus.

“I felt like there was an absence on campus for students with a more democratic political view,” Whisenant said. “Being a student who is a democrat, it is nice to have a group of people there to get your voice heard.”

It’s not just about promoting democratic views for Whisenant, though. While that is high on the list, there are more important things.

“We want to present to people that politics are not a bad thing,” he said. “Politics is something that we need to be involved in. Just because Washington seems hostile and difficult doesn’t mean they have to be here [on campus].”

As far as the group’s formation goes, this is not something new. For those that are seniors this year, you may remember the 2008 election. During that time and during the campaign, there were groups for Republicans and Democrats. However, since then, both groups have disappeared.

With the reformation of Lipscomb Dems, Whisenant hopes to reach out to different groups and help the community at the same time.

“I think that it’s important that we make sure that Lipscomb comes before the Democrats,” Whisenant said. “We want to be a group that gives back and doesn’t just talk about political issues. We want to give back to our community…whether it is helping with campaigns, service projects or working with benefits, we’ll be involved.”

Whisenant is careful to acknowledge the problems with the current administration, but he believes that Obama and his team deserve another four years in office.

“While I don’t agree with every decision that he has made, I believe that it is important that for what he and congress are trying to do there is a White House that is there for 8 years to see the policy changes through,” Whisneant explained. “I feel like if a republican president was to take over that everything that has been done is going to be undone and put us in more of a hole than what we are in now.”

Whisenant also talked about the importance of politics on the state level. He says that the City Council and the Mayor’s position are more important than most think. If one remembers the difficulty with the use of the property that Stokes Elementary is sitting on, one will remember the role that the City Council played.

Also important, are building codes and building approvals, and with the rapid expansion of Lipscomb’s campus “it is very important to elect the right people in order to make Lipsomb the campus it is meant to be,” Whisenant said.

Whisenant and the other Lipscomb Dems intend on having an interest meeting when classes resume. For more information, contact Thomas via email: l.thomas.whisenant@gmail.com.

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