Good music, the people I love and a reason to cause a mess and not have to worry about it.
Lipscomb’s annual Paint the Herd was in full swing, and not just with the usual paint, but also glitter and zombies.
This event allows students to come together and have a good time.
Before even seeing the parking garage, where Paint the Herd was located, I could clearly hear blasting music.
Before actually entering the “rave” area — covered in tarps from top to bottom — everyone was given a white paint suit.
And upon entering, I was greeted by strobe lights, music that you couldn’t help but dance to and the most important component of the night: paint.
“I look forward to Paint the Herd every year,” said senior Kenny Smith. “It’s definitely a tradition for myself and my friends.”
You could tell that many others had that same mindset, and why wouldn’t they?
This event occurs on the hill end of the semester, and allows students to have a break from strenuous studying for an evening.
“It’s an amazing event,” said senior Joe Sanderson. “So fun. Glad I made the decision to finally go and get the opportunity to be carefree.”
Paint the Herd was a hit, and will be something that will stick around for the long haul.
Freshman Ravyn Rowlett said that it is something she will be looking forward to next year, and is sure that many others feel the same as well.

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Gallery by Erin Turner and Sam Webb
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