Lisa Steele, Assistant Dean of Intercultural Development, created M.A.S.K (Multicultural Awareness Skills and Knowledge) Chapel for students looking to intersect religion and culture.

“I based everything on Romans 12:2,” Steele said. “It says, ‘do not be conformed by the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind so that you know God’s good, pleasing, perfect will for your life.’”

Steele said she likes the “do not conform but be transformed” phrase because she wants to transform people’s minds to realize that every culture brings something important to the table.

Steele’s vison started out as a short, focus chapel, but M.A.S.K Chapel is now permanently located in the Ezell Chapel.

Recently, Steele had the opportunity to visit Manhattan to present at the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities to explain what the chapel is and how it works.

“M.A.S.K. came from the idea of a cultural pyramid,” Steel said. “You have to be aware that there are other cultures, which is pretty easy. Beyond that you have to have the knowledge, and, lastly, practice the skill.”

Steele said she hopes students will leave Lipscomb with a diploma in one hand and cultural competence in the other hand.

“Now, if you want to work for State Farm insurance, for instance, you need to be culturally competent,” Steele noted. “Pretty much any job you take here in Nashville, you’re going to be interacting with other cultures.”

M.A.S.K. hosts panels, guest speakers and student activities each week to keep students involved.

“I have everything booked up from this semester to the next semester,” Steele said.

Mason Borneman, a sophomore who is interested in immigration law, is the M.A.S.K intern for this semester.

Since the chapel has grown, the duties of booking guest speakers and sending out chapel emails were given to Borneman.

“I love working as a M.A.S.K. intern because I think diversity is really important, and it is something I’m passionate about,” Borneman said.

“We are very well known in the community with our chapel, which is really interesting to me because I have people call me and ask if they can come and speak,” Steele said.

This week’s guest speaker, Goyo Nieto discussed the topic “Ministry in Venezuela.” Anyone interested in attending M.A.S.K Chapel is welcome every Thursday at 10:55 a.m.

Photo by Mason Borneman

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