For the first time at Lipscomb, the Student Activities Board hosted a Swing in the Square event for students on Friday evening in Bison Square.

While this function is new to campus, other similar events such as Theta Xi’s Full Moon Festival have been held in the past.

“This is an event that we talked about doing in the spring,” said Louis Nelms, director of student activities.

“Theta Xi, when they did Full Moon Festival, sort of opened the door to some of this stuff.”

After approval, Nelms and his team began planning to make the night a safe, enjoyable time for all.

“We had to have a place to swing, we had to have lights, we had to have music, and so we just decided to put this all together and thought how do we make this better, and that’s what happened,” Nelms said.

Junior Josh Cottrill served as the DJ, incorporating big band music and more popular electric pop.

“I’m mostly excited for the atmosphere and the liveliness that’s going to happen tonight,” Cottrill said.

“I’m excited to see what comes about.”

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Students were instructed on proper swing dancing technique by theater professor Leigh Anne Ervin.

After showing students some simple dance moves, Ervin stepped aside to let students show off some of their own moves.

“It’s a lot of fun because everyone’s making a fool of themselves and dancing,” said sophomore Samantha Gwinn.

Whether students had some background in swing dancing or were completely new to the style, Swing in the Square easily allowed students to join in community and learn.

“You get to see how different people grew up,” Nelms said.

“Some people may have learned at the age of six, some people just may have learned doing a play in high school, and some people, like myself, don’t know what we’re doing, and that’s also part of the community building, is not knowing what you’re doing together.”

“It’s fun to get all dressed up and just go and have fun with your friends,” said sophomore Cody Blackwell.

The event allowed for students to break the norm of a typical Friday night.

“We’re enjoying a night of something different,” Nelms said. “It’s not a movie, it’s not an athletic game. It’s good ole fashion plain fun.”

SAB plans to host another Swing in the Square next year.

Additional reporting by Cory Woodroof and Aaron Schmelzer

Video by Woodroof and Schmelzer

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