Parking at Lipscomb can be a hassle, so some students who live nearby choose to walk or bike to class. But biking in larger cities like Nashville – especially along busy roads like Woodmont Boulevard – can sometimes be hazardous.

One student who bikes to school  is Ian Dixon, a senior marketing major. Dixon travels from his apartment complex to Lipscomb safely on his mountain bike.

“I feel fine biking to and from campus,” said Dixon. “There is a lot you need to pay attention to when you’re out there though.”

Whether you are driving or walking along the streets near campus, it’s important to be cautious and to keep these safety tips in mind.


  1. Do not turn corners swiftly. You never know when a biker or jogger may be at the edge of an intersection. Look ahead of your vehicle’s path while making the turn.
  2. Obey the speed limit. It’s important to follow the speed limit anywhere but especially in a neighborhood. A human life is more valuable than saving a few seconds getting to where you are going.
  3. Do not text and drive. This applies any time you are driving but especially around Green Hills. There is often a lot of activity on the sidewalk and street. Constantly keep your eyes on the road.


  1. Look both ways before crossing the street. Do not rely on your hearing. A lot of hybrid cars have quieter engines, so it may be difficult for you to hear them. A car can speed by before you ever hear it coming.
  2. Wait until you know the driver sees you before crossing an intersection. “Don’t just jump the gun,” Dixon urges. “Cross only when you’re certain, but when you do, don’t hesitate.”
  3. Walk/bike on the sidewalk. Dixon acknowledges that while there may be more space on the road, it is crucial for bikers to recognize that “you are the smallest thing out there.” Make the sidewalk your first choice.
  4. Be attentive to your surroundings. Keep your head on the swivel. It is important to recognize what is happening around you and react accordingly.

Whether you are driving, biking or walking to and from classes, it’s important to get there safely. In the end, the best way to achieve that is simply to always be paying attention.


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