The semester may quickly be drawing to an end, but Lipscomb’s Student Government Association is still in planning mode, working with administration to govern students more effectively.

“Something that we’re currently working on internally is that we’re trying to revise the constitution,” SGA President Andrew Hunt said.

“We have found that Lipscomb has changed a lot in the past few years,” Hunt said. “We feel like we can better work with the administration.”

The constitution was last revised in 2010.

“Things have changed a lot even since then,” he said. “We’re trying to restructure SGA.”

Hunt, a senior and corporate management major, also said SGA is working with the provost’s office to revamp certain majors.

“We recently sent out some surveys to students to see what the demand for each major is,” Hunt said. “They are some departments that are more adult study heavy, like business, [law, justice and society], social work, where classes are only offered at night.”

Hunt says SGA wants to give a chance for students to be able to get more involved in night activities.

“We’re working with the provost to see if there’s any way we can take students out of [night classes] by offering the classes during the day as well,” Hunt said.

Some SGA plans are already in motion, such as adding a new printer to the Ezell Center.

“Hopefully, after spring break, we’ll have a printer in Ezell,” Hunt said. “We’ve been working with a lot of the departments in Ezell to see who can fund it. We’re trying to find sponsorship for that directly.”

SGA is also working on meal plans. Hunt says meal plans are always changing, and SGA member Ezra Fritz is in contact with Sodexo and others in administration.

There are also plans to revamp the water fountains around campus, which could eventually lead to less waste.

“We’re working on getting water bottle filling stations added to the fountains in the academic buildings,” Hunt said. “They’re a lot more convenient, and they save a lot of plastic bottles.”

In the past, SGA has been the leading coordinator of student events. However, with the Student Activities Board becoming more involved in the planning of student events, SGA is looking to step back in coordinating, but not in sponsoring.

“We’ve tried to shift our focus from doing a lot of our own big events to letting SAB take over,” Hunt said. “My goal is to focus more on liaison between administration and students, and making sure administration hears what students want.

“Now that SAB has grown, I think we’re ready to do more of the student governing.”

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