People will wake up before dawn Friday to get a head start on Christmas shopping, and Lipscomb students are no exception.

Heck, some have even been camping outside the Best Buy and other “big box” stores for days before Thanksgiving.

Ahhh the hallmarks of the holiday season: leaves falling off trees, the ubiquitous smell of pumpkin pie and apple cider, get-togethers and awkward small-talk with distant relatives, and the plethora of food that calls for elastic waistbands.The holiday season is also that time of the year where rules are bent.

This isn’t more true than during Black Friday, when millions of people get an early start on their holiday shopping by waiting in lines, for hours at a time, in order to get discounts that more sane people likely will be able to get later.

It’s common to see people fight for the same item, cut in line, kick, shove and elbow each other in order to get their items.

Fortunately, here are some tips from Lipscomb students in order to avoid disaster and make sure your shopping is as pleasant and safe as possible.

1.) “Get there earlier than they open… make sure to eat and stay hydrated, and be careful of all the other shoppers that may knock you down or steal your items,” said Haleigh Seifert, a junior nursing major.

2.) “From personal experience I think people really need to price check different places. Last year me and my uncle went to three different places looking for the same TV. At the last stop (Costco) we found it for $30 cheaper,” said Josh Asres, a sophomore studying computer science.

3.) “My tips for Black Friday would be to make sure you have coffee early in the morning, ’cause you’re going to need it. Watch out for the crazy people because I heard that there’s a lot of them, so you have to be careful” said Emily Snell, a senior in journalis  and new media.
4.) “Well I would say to set up an amount that one can spend and stick with it, because one can always spend money that is not on the budget and end up getting in debt. Also, find out what it is that one wants to buy. I think that with so many offers one can lose track and miss out on good deals on stuff that we might want,” said Oscar Rayo, a sophomore studying international business.

Oh, yeah, enjoy the turkey on Thursday… It’s gotta nourish you through the hectic day Friday!

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