The clock is ticking, but it is still not too late to sign up for a spring break mission trip.

Lipscomb will be sending out eighteen mission teams all over the globe this spring break.

Missions coordinator Paul Stevens says there is still time for students to sign up and participate.

“Students can still sign up,” Stevens said. “Our trips are not full. There is still time to get involved.”

With spring break only about two weeks away, many students think they have missed their shot at going on a trip, but Stevens says that is not the case.

“We have had students sign up two or three days before the trip in years past,” Stevens said. “Lipscomb wants as many students to go that can.”

Many mission teams have been meeting over the last few months to prepare for their trip, but students who still want to go should not let their lack of preparation keep them from going.

“We have had teams meeting for months now,” Stevens said. “This has allowed them to grow together as a team and find out how well they will be able to work together. If there is room and the student has the capability to go, then we want them to.”

Students may be wondering, “How do I get started this process started? Where do I go to check to see if trips are open?”

Stevens says he recommends that students check out the university’s spring break missions page for trip availability.

“All the mission teams are listed there and if the trip says it is open, then there is space, but some will say close because they have reached capacity,” Stevens said.

If you have any further questions about getting involved in a trip this spring break, stop by Paul Stevens’ office in the missions department or by contacting the trip leader of the trip you want to get involved in.

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