BATTLE OF THE BOULEVARD – Important Information

Lipscomb’s men’s basketball game Friday against Belmont has sold out.  A limited number of standing room only tickets are being sold through for $10 each.  The game is set to tip at 6 p.m. and will be broadcast on CSS, ESPN3, and 102.5 The Game. Game Information Doors open at 4:30 p.m. All guests 3 years and older must have a ticket to the game. No ID’s are accepted. All students, faculty, and staff must have a ticket. The first 1,000 non-students through the doors will receive a free t-shirt. Students will receive t-shirts in the student section. Parking Information Shuttles will be running from the David Lipscomb Campus School football field to the front doors of Allen Arena starting at 5:00 p.m.  There will be limited or no parking available on campus Friday evening.  The only cars that will be allowed on campus from Granny White Pike will be those with preferred parking privileges or needing handicap parking access. David Lipscomb Campus School football field GPS Address: 1035 Caldwell Lane, Nashville, TN Corner of Caldwell Lane and Leland Ave Directions from the North: Take Granny White Pike south, Turn left on Caldwell Lane just past Granny White Church of Christ Directions from the South: Take Granny White Pike north, Turn right on Caldwell Lane just past the David Lipscomb Campus...

“Lipscomb: Next” unveiled, ready to be put into action

“I look forward to a time that I won’t get to experience, and you won’t either. But decades down the road where other people will look back and see that in this moment, this community did what it was called to do.” Those were Dr. Randy Lowry’s concluding words as he introduced the layout of Lipscomb 2016, his vision of what Lipscomb University will look like in five years, to the student body at The Gathering on Tuesday, March 29. ​“We’re going to call it Lipscomb Next: Vision for 2016,” Lowry said. “The essence of this entire plan is to invest $125 million into this institution by the time we get to our 125th anniversary, which is 2016.” ​Lipscomb invested about $54 million into their last plan, making the proposed $125 million dollar investment into their next plan “extraordinarily ambitious.” ​ Notable additions to expect Lipscomb to make in their next plan include: three new colleges, fifty new full time faculty members and thirty new academic programs. ​Some of the changes that Lipscomb will be undergoing will take years to develop. However, Lowry stated a couple of significant changes are set to take place in the very near future. One change being the renovation of Fanning Hall. ​“As we think about residence halls, we realize that they are not at the standard that we would like,” Lowry said. “The city’s approval pending, Lipscomb is set to gut out and renovate Fanning Hall this summer. Thanks to a construction crew committing to working on the project 24 hours a day that summer, a renovation that would normally take nine months...
Campus Safety: overdramatic or simply precautious?

Campus Safety: overdramatic or simply precautious?

Lipscomb parking tickets– we’ve all had them. But did you know that Campus Safety will take other measures if you are parked in a non-designated parking spot? Students have been called out of class to move illegally parked cars, and some students received phone calls from their parents saying campus safety and security contacted them. “Last week I had four missed calls from campus safety telling me they would tow my car if I did not move it,” said Brynn Petrey, a junior Nursing major from Memphis. “I was in class all day, and think my studies are more important than moving my car that wasn’t obstructing traffic.” Patrick Cameron, assistant director of campus security and safety, listed some things you should know before you park illegally at Lipscomb. “It is a very rare occurrence that we will pull people out of class or call them,” Cameron said. “Generally that happens when one of two things happen: someone has parked illegally in a space that has been reserved for a specific named guest, or someone has parked in one of the senior administrator spaces over by Crisman.” The Lipscomb traffic and parking regulations state the instances in which Campus Safety is permitted to tow you–and they will. Never park in a fire lane, by fire hydrants, or where you’re blocking dumpsters or traffic. This could result in your vehicle being towed at your own expense. Campus Safety can also tow your car “where deemed necessary.” Other than these instances, officers will usually write a ticket and move on. But beware, parking tickets can add up fast. The penalty amount usually...