An Open Letter from SGA presidential candidate Patrick Grace

People ask me if I think I can really get off-campus meal plans and a three day easter weekend and some of the other things we talk about in our video and on our fliers. The fact is, I wouldn’t know how reasonable these things are if it weren’t for me getting to experience the process this year in SGA. This isn’t groundbreaking work; Daniel has been working all year to get us to the point where we can have a conversation about these things.As his presidency has come to a close, I’ve found myself working to keep his process moving forward, which means taking initiative for the past couple months on off-campus meal plans. I plan on living on campus this summer, and I expect to be busy working alongside Jeff Wilson to get a deal hashed out that will provide a debit account for restaurants off campus. I can’t sit here and promise you this is definitely going to happen, but I can promise you that I am not content with our meal plan system as it stands and that I will fight through the summer and into the next school year in order to get us a better service. I want to be transparent with the student body, and I want them to know where their money is going. But don’t just vote for a giant banner in the square or a clever video on Facebook – get a chance to know who I am and what I stand for by coming to Bison Square immediately following Chapel on April 10. Get a little popsicle, listen...

[Editorial] Meet Mitt Romney: The new frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination

Whatever you may believe about former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, he’s not one to call it a day when the going gets tough. Ever since Romney lost the 2008 presidential nomination to Senator John McCain, one could only speculate he would be back for round two. As we all know, McCain lost, Democratic nominee Barack Obama became the President of the United States, and those apart of the GOP have been longing for the day when a challenger would arise to take on the incumbent Obama for the 2012 elections. Time passed, former hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin decided against a presidential run, McCain went back to Capitol Hill, and a certain Mitt Romney went to wait in the wings. On April 29th, 2011, Romney finally announced the almost-obvious. He would once again wage a campaign to become the Republican nominee. “It is time that we put America back on a course of greatness, with a growing economy, good jobs and fiscal discipline in Washington.” Romney said during his announcement speech. Ever since the announcement, Romney has faced opposition on many platforms. Dating back to the 2008 election, Romney has always been accused of being a political “flip-flop”. Opponents usually accuse the former governor of never adhering to a specific belief, saying what was beneficial at the moment – the marks of a true politician. Romney also lacked major support from the ultra-conservatives, most notably those apart of the Tea Party movement. But throughout the thick and the thin, the criticisms and the accusations, like the cat on the poster, Romney hung in there. This nomination process has...

[Editorial] Where have all the good men gone? The ever-winding GOP race to the presidential nomination

For a while there, all signs were pointing for Herman Cain to finally establish himself as the clear front-runner in the GOP primary race. Cain, the dynamic former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and hopeful Republican presidential candidate, came out of nowhere a few months ago and successfully became a contender in the already crowded race for the nomination. Cain’s straight-forward frankness, no-nonsense approach to national issues and lively personality has earned the favor of voters across the nation. I dare you to find someone who hasn’t heard of the “9-9-9” tax plan. Cain even recently topped fellow competitor Mitt Romney in a Rasmussen poll 26% to 23%, finally giving himself the edge in a race that has seen the rise and fall of many candidates. Cain seemed unstoppable, but, out of nowhere, a claim of sexual harassment against the candidate came to surface. A second woman came forward with the same allegations shortly after. Two more women followed suit. If anything can outright kill a run for president, it’s four allegations of sexual harassment. If it were just one, many would be quick to write the claims off as a smear campaign. Four is a different story. Whether this scandal will halt the Cain train in its tracks or present only a minor speed bump is yet to be seen, but if history repeats itself, scandals of a sexual nature and politics usually don’t mix. If this is the end for Herman Cain’s rise to power, I’m afraid that things aren’t looking well for the Republican Party. Cain is not the only person running for the nomination, though. Mitt...

Representative Jim Cooper joins discussion with this month’s Pizza and Politics

During a time of great political turmoil, those lucky enough to get the chance to hear from one of the representatives on Capitol Hill get a unique opportunity. On Wednesday night, Lipscomb students, faculty and members of the Nashville community got this distinct chance. Representative Jim Cooper (D-TN) visited Lipscomb for the university’s monthly Pizza and Politics event. Cooper addressed the burning issues facing our country while giving the students a message of urgency concerning their political activism. Dr. Lowry introduced the congressman, even jokingly saying that Rep. Cooper is only democrat he would vote for. Rep. Cooper took the stage and quickly began his opening statements directed at the students and other young people in the audience. Cooper urged the young in the audience to take an active role in politics, even if it meant only voting. Cooper believes that just being an informed voter is an important role for Americans. Cooper, who hosts the largest internship program on Capitol Hill,encouraged students to pursue being informed of the nation’s issues. He firmly believes that the state of the country reflects on the state of its citizens. “America is not going to be number one if you are not number one,” he said. A self-described centrist, Cooper calls for all Americans to become independent thinkers, not just trusting the opinions of such popular news outlets as Fox News and MSNBC. Cooper devoted the rest of his time to address such important issues such as the current state of congress – a system he believes to be broken, health care, and the current pattern of government spending. The audience, diverse...

Averitt v. Wakefield: Who should be your president?

One thing is clear after Monday night’s presidential debate, which was also the first ever live production from the Mullican TV Studio: Jackson Sprayberry has set very high standards for both candidates. This year’s presidential candidates are current SGA vice president Daniel Wakefield, a rising senior and Biology/Pre-Med major from Columbia, Tenn., as well as current SGA secretary Kirk Averitt, a rising Senior and Music Education major from Decatur, Ala. Wakefield has been part of SGA for three years, working two as a senator and one as vice president. During this time he has been able to learn more in-depth leadership skills. He has also had the opportunity to speak with people of influence and to have “conversations of weight” which encourage him to pursue active roles in SGA. “There’s an element of pride and satisfaction in working with the administration to make changes happen,” Wakefield said. “There are a lot of things I’ve been able to accomplish in SGA.” Averitt has been a part of SGA for two years, one year as a senator and one as secretary. He has enjoyed seeing the progress made over the past year, particularly in events such as Paint the Herd and in policy changes such as more lenient open dorms hours. “[Lipscomb] is a great school to be a student at and this is a great city to be a student in,” Averitt said. “We have a lot of outlets here.” Wakefield’s approach to this position is centered on networking. “[Sprayberry] has vision, focus and a unique ability to get people fired up,” Wakefield said. “I want to continue that.” Wakefield...