We all take our own approach to individual liberty. Myself, I enjoy taking full advantage of our Constitution’s First Amendment which prohibits any law from, among other things, “infringing on the freedom of speech.” Last Sunday night, on our nation’s 234th birthday, I demonstrated this liberty by screaming “AMERICA” at the top of my lung from the Shelby Street Bridge in downtown Nashville.Everyone commemorates individual liberty in their own way, but I assure you, on July 4, 2010, there was no better way to celebrate than taking in the South’s greatest firework show over Music City, Tennessee.

After finding free parking at the Tennessee State Capitol Building, my party meandered through the masses downtown to get a bird’s-eye view of the firework extravaganza. We settled centrally on the Shelby Street Bridge, which resides just above the might Cumberland. With the symphony playing in the warm summer air, the stage was set for the show of the year.

The first streaming flare took to the sky as the clock struck 9:30pm. For the next half hour, the rockets’ red glare lit up Music City like, well, to quote country music artist Toby Keith, the 4th of July. It was truly a sight to behold as the incandescent lights and vibrant colors reflected on the towering duo of the Batman Building & the Pinnacle. The drumfire thundered beneath the bridge and echoed all the way down the Cumberland. Truly remarkable…

To view a highlight video of the evening, click here!

The South’s greatest firework show came to a triumphant close with a finale worthy of the founding fathers. (Well, maybe not Alexander Hamilton, but the King’s College was practically impossible to please) An array of reds, whites, and blues (along with oranges and purples) dazzled the crowd in the voracious spectacle. As the light of the last comet faded into the smokey night, the crowd erupted into cheers and approbation. Maybe I’m just a sucker for explosions, but the show was thirty minutes of combustable bliss. You’re free to form your own opinion, but I stand firm that Nashville is home to the South’s greatest firework show. This event only comes around once a year, so be sure to mark your calendar for 2011!

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