Every Thursday night at 10 p.m. Lipscomb students have the opportunity to gather in the on-campus Starbucks for Coffeehouse, an SGA sponsored night of free, live music.
“Coffeehaus serves to entertain and bring people together as a Lipscomb community,” sophomore and Coffeehaus host Nordista Freeze said. “It’s the only thing on campus that happens in Starbucks. SGA handed it over to me last year because I was super inquiring about how I could become a part of this, because I know most of the bands on campus and music is my passion.”
Coffeehaus aims to showcase student talent in a laid back environment. While occasionally dominated by contemporary music majors, Freeze said the line-up welcomes students from any major.
“It’s actually very intentionally not exclusive to contemporary music majors,” he said. “We are trying to allow students who don’t have much experience or don’t have other outlets to share their music.
“For students who want this to be their profession, this is the first step to get the ball rolling. When they’re on stage it’s their thing; covers, originals, they get to run it themselves.”
Coffeehaus provides an opportunity for aspiring musicians to get a taste of what it’s like performing live. Not only does the audience enjoy listening to their classmates, the artists feed off of the audience to provide the best performance possible.
Freeze said he wants Coffeehaus to become a vibrant part of campus life. Although currently booked through the end of this semester, Freeze said he is already searching for talent to sign up for the spring.
“College is so much more than academics; it’s about shaping your life and making relationships and this is a huge piece of it,” he said. “I think Coffeehaus is one of the most important things we have on campus. We all come together late at night on a Thursday and we get to hang out, love each other and create moments that we will always remember.”
Photo courtesy of Nordista Freeze