You only live once. This seems to be the common term used on campus these days. As cliché as it is, there is truth that comes from it. We only live once, and we are only in college once.

Why not make it the best it could possibly be? That is simply the reason I am running for president. I’ve been a student here for three years. I have tried to experience just about everything that’s happened on campus. I’ve made so many meaningful relationships with students and faculty; I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I simply want every student to have the best year on campus they have ever experienced. A lot of you might ask how I am going to make that happen? Well, there is something wrong with that question. The question should be, how are WE going to make that happen?

I think there is a slight misconception with role of the student government president. It is not a pedestal to sit on while just changing a few policies to make the students content. I believe that the president is a bridge that connects us to people and resources that can make our ideas a reality. I want to be that bridge so that every student can contribute to making next year an absolute blast. I’ve already heard some great suggestions from many of you, and I am eager to hear from any and every one of you that has an idea.

Last question. How am I going to do all these things since I haven’t been a part of SGA before? No, I haven’t been involved in SGA, but I have been in numerous other leadership roles in my life. The one thing I learned in these roles is that it is all about relationships. I have great relationships with the administration here on campus, and if I do not know them already, I will get to know them soon. My vision is to have a connection between administration and students that creates a partnership. This partnership will work to bring our campus to it’s highest potential. Changing the meal plan system to work more efficiently on and off campus, no school on Good Friday and ways to improve parking for all students are just a few of the ideas that will be addressed.

Finally, my favorite moments at Lipscomb have been at events where all the students were having a great time together. I want to enhance already popular events like Paint Rave and also add a little bit of my outgoing and energetic personality to plan some incredible events that make memories for a lifetime. Because life is too short not to, and you only live once.

I would be honored to have your vote so WE can make next year the best year of your college career.


Austin Bever

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