It’s hard to believe that soon summer is going to be over. It feels like it only just began! One of my favorite parts of a new school year is back-to-school fashion. There is never a better time to add on to your wardrobe! These are a few of the things that I find to be fun ways to brighten up the beginning of the school year.


Polka dots: I have noticed more and more how many polka dot things there have been in stores lately. I don’t want to admit it, but I definitely have a problem with buying polka dot clothing in excess. The good thing about dots is that you can mix and match them, or wear a fun skirt with a T-shirt or blouse tucked into it. Polka dots are such a versatile print!

Forever 21

Forever 21

J Crew













High-waisted shorts: I have been absolutely obsessed with high-waisted shorts lately! I started seeing them all over the place and had to try them out myself. They are now one of the most essential things in my closet. The only problem is that sometimes it can be hard to find a decent pair without spending a lot of money. I would suggest going to a thrift store to buy a pair. I found my pairs of shorts at Goodwill! That way, you can get the look without the insane price tag.


Forever 21













Ankle boots: This is another trend that I have noticed surfacing on the fashion scene. Boots look amazing with a pair of straight leg jeans and a nice top. I also wear mine occasionally with dresses! They can often be an investment, but when you find the right pair, they last a very long time.

Asos Abel

Forever 21













High/Low dresses and skirts: I have been wearing this look a lot over the summer! High/low dresses are easy to dress up and also perfect for when you want to look casual, too. Just recently I bought a high/low skirt, and I have been wearing it like crazy! The look is very versatile and fun!

Asos Abel

Forever 21














Keeping it simple: I have realized this summer that with some outfits, less is more. I have been adding on more solid colored V-necks and tank tops into my wardrobe so that I can have more base pieces. I usually buy all of my simple, base clothing from Forever 21 because the prices are so cheap. You would be shocked how many times you can put on a plain top to pull an outfit together!


American Apparel

Forever 21

Forever 21













Main photo from the Herald-Dispatch in Huntington, W. Va.

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